Delivered By
Rev. Dr. R.E. Banks Sr.
Delivered On
October 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Central Passage
Isaiah 6:3-4 NIV
Angelic Intervention, Msg. 6

This book means “Salvation is of the Lord”. Isaiah was the son of Amoz. His home, Jerusalem, is the location of his works. Said to be gifted, he was the first cousin to King Uzziah. Isaiah was God’s first prophet and was a great orator and preacher able to expound on the holiness of God.

After King Uzziah’s death, Isaiah experienced a vision of God. He saw the Lord raised high, exalted, and seated on a throne. The train of the Lord’s robe filled the temple. The longer the train of the royal garment, the greater importance of the one who wore it. Above God were seraphim, types of angels with six wings: two to cover their faces, two to cover their feet, and two wings to fly. Seraphim hide their eyes from looking directly at the Lord and they hide their feet so that the Lord does not see them. In Isaiah’s dream, they were calling out to each other, even though the Lord was there, they indirectly addressed Him. They proclaimed His glorious nature. The angels emphasized the Lord of Hosts was holy three times.

Does repetition cause a reaction in you? Does doing something repeatedly help us get things right? Or do you get tired of hearing something over and over? Everyone is entitled to their belief, however, there seems to be a major defect in gentile prayers, as they lack praise to God; and the Jews lack giving God honor, glory, and praise. But they believe in repetition.

Though little is known about Isaiah, you can believe that others can make up their own descriptions of you. Sometimes it has nothing to do with what God has done in your life. He has brought you from out of the wilderness, and you are still standing. Isaiah may have become infatuated with Uzziah. Perhaps he took his eyes off the Lord. Sometimes, we get so caught up with individuals that they interrupt our praise and worship of the Lord. Sometimes God—in His infinite wisdom—must remove the blockage or the hinderance.