Delivered By
Rev. Dr. R.E. Banks Sr.
Delivered On
September 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Central Passage
Genesis 18:1-3 NIV
Angelic Intervention, Msg. 3

It is believed that Moses wrote the Pentateuch; the first five books of the Old Testament. It was written during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. The first book, Genesis, records the beginning or generation of things, such as are of the world, institutions, moral order, angelic visitations.

Jewish commentators say, in this instance, no angel carries out more than one assignment at a time. The first time is believed to have come to help Abraham from his circumcision surgery. The second was to carry the message to Sarah that she was to have a son. And the third was to destroy Sodom. And most important one was the angel of Jehovah, who came in human form, as a manifestation of the deity to Abraham. The remaining two were his companions who were commissioned to rain down judgement on the cities of the plains. God is the alpha and the omega. He’s got the first and last word. You just take care of what God tells you to do.

Like Abraham, many of us have had unexpected visits from God. The Lord appeared during the heat of the day, and we ran to the shade of our tents for shelter. We have our heads bowed to the ground, and don’t see the unexpected angels that keep coming into our lives. He sent you a doctor, a co-worker, a child, or a friend. Even, the prophet Habakkuk declared he would stand watch and station himself in the ramparts to see what God would say to him. Matthew said, therefore, keep watch because you don’t know what day your Lord will come.

Be on the lookout for unexpected visitors. No one knows the day nor the hour, not even the angels of heaven...but the Father—only. So will be the coming of the Son of man. And, Lord, do not pass me by.